Our mission is to unite and empower Filipino American nurse anesthesiologists and nurses, fostering excellence, collaboration, and leadership. Through mentorship, advocacy, and community engagement, we advance the field of nurse anesthesiology, champion diversity, and serve our communities.


We envision a future where Filipino American nurse anesthesiologists stand as leaders in anesthesia care, united in expertise and deeply connected to communities. We aim to be a beacon of excellence, fostering innovation and advocacy, and nurturing a supportive network that inspires growth, compassionate care, and service.

We are a beacon of excellence, positive social change and service for the Filipino American community.


  • Excellence: Commitment to providing high-quality patient care and upholding professional standards in the field of nurse anesthesia.
  • Social responsibility & Service: Commitment to our society and our local communities.
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Embracing and celebrating diversity while promoting an inclusive environment that respects individuals from all backgrounds.
  • Collaboration & Leadership: Fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual support among healthcare professionals to enhance patient care. Encouraging and nurturing leadership qualities to empower individuals
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